- 1. Current or highlighted projects and repositories
- 2. DiverSE former Repositories
- 3. Triskell former Repositories
This page lists all the forge, github, etc, of the team’s projects or repositories (must list every forges used by team member, including prototypes developement).
Please move the project from one category to the other depending on the development current interrest. Many of the projects are private, you may have to ask to permanent team member for having access to them.
If applicable, you can point to a single Github organization instead of list of repositories. This is possible if most or all repositories of this organization are related to the DiverSE team.
1. Current or highlighted projects and repositories
List here the project currently developped or actively maintained.
1.1. Repositories mainly related to team platform
1.1.1. Teaching platform
1.1.2. Variability platform
1.1.3. Dynamic Adaptive Systems platform
1.1.4. Diversity platform
1.1.5. Software language Engineering
1.1.6. Other platforms
- DiverSE Studio An Eclipse studio gathering the Team’s eclipse based tools.
- DiverSE reusable tools reusable tools that aren’t related to any specific team project. Includes eclipse plugin helpers, maven plugins and pure java libs.
1.2. Repositories mainly related to contracts
GEMOC Github Organization current projects on Github
- GEMOC Studio@Eclipse
- GEMOC ModelDebugging@Eclipse
DIVERSIFY GitHub Organization current projects on Github
1.3. Repositories mainly related to prototypes
This includes internship work.
1.3.1. Paper or preliminary work prototypes
- iEMS (interactive Energy Management System), Jacky Bourgeois, supervised by Johann Bourcier and Benoit Baudry
- ATSyRA Attack Tree System Risk analysis. Collaboration with LogicA (Contacts: Mathieu Acher, Didier Vojtisek, Sophie Pinchinat)
- Moclodash Memory efficient EMF model cloning. (Contact: Erwan Bousse)
1.3.2. Intership prototypes
2. DiverSE former Repositories
- Sirius Lab, modeldebugging content has moved to eclipse organization
- GEMOC (old forge)
- GEMOC dev (old forge)
3. Triskell former Repositories
List here the forge of project that aren’t actively developped. We keep them for easy retreival.
3.1. Repositories mainly related to team platform
- Triskell private
- Triskell Exchange Triskell Collaboration
- Kermeta
- Kermeta 2
3.2. Repositories related to contracts
- Triskell FT
- Movida
- Mopcom-SOC
- Mopcom Ingenierie
- OpenEmbeDD: OpenEmbeDD; OpenEmbeDD documentation; OpenEmbeDD Sample Models Repository
- Faros
- DivaStudio
- Chess
- Galaxy